- Every student is expected to be intellectually alert, morally upright and spiritually oriented.
- pupils are expected to behave in a courteous manner on all occasions.They should address their teachers and all member of the staff with due respect, Good moral behaviour and gentle ways are earnestly required of every student. They should remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
- All students are expectd to come to school daily in freshly laundered uniforms with clean socks and well polished shoes.Any student who comes to school in a slovently condition will be sent home.
- pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.They should have them neatly labelled and named.They shall not wear any gold ornaments in school.
- The daily requirements and tiffin have to be brought to school by students.
- Every student is to take part in all co-curricular activities of the school.
- A student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend school.
- The school will not be responsible for lost articles,though artides lost on the campus are collected for later claims.
- Students must be in the School premises 15 minutes before the assembly time
- At the sign of the first bell all the students assemble infront of the Schoolbuilding. Change of classes must be done in silence and in order.
- Gentleness and respect towards all in all places are characteristics of a student of St. Joseph's School.All must be tidy in dress and nobody should enter the Schooi unless he/she wears the School uniform
- Shouting, whisting and running about are not allowed in the School building. It is strictly forbidden to throw anything at another
- The School is yours. Look after it. Scratching or spoilling desks, writing with chalk or pencil on the walls,or in anyway damaging what belongs to others, is highly reprehesible behaviour.
- Books other than text books such as comics, magazines and newspapers are not allowed in the School.
- Money should not be lend or borrowed or articles be given in exchange.The school is not responsible for things is not advisable to bring valuable articles to school
- Students are expected to join In various games and tournaments organised at the School level but they must regular in attending once the have given their name
- PTA meeting are held regularty.Parents are expected to attend the meeting. Children whose parents do not attend the PTAmeeting regularly may be asked to be withdrawn
- Great care is taken to form the character of the students, to inspire them with a love of religion and morality,to help them to become agents of needed social change in the country; to train them to be gentlemen and women and to acquire habits of cleanliness and order, to prepare them to be good and loyal citizens of India.
- Monthly reports will keep the parents informed of behaviour and iligence of their children.These reports have to be signed by one of the parents and returned to the class teacher for verification.
- Report on general progress are given at the end of each semester
- A student whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the School or incompatible with strcit discipline is liable to be dismissed. In Particular, stealing and cheating will be dealt with very sternly.
- A Student whose presence in opinion of the Principal is not beneficial or whose application of mind in studies is unsatisfactory or whose parents show little interest in their Progress will be requested to be withdrawn
- Students must prepare their daily lessons and tasks at home spend two hours and a half in home study before class and two hours after class. Parents and Guardians are requested to engorce teh adherence of this rule at home. And also insist on the punctuality in their daily class
- Parents should inform the authorities, if their child is suffering from any physical ailment, which makes it essential for the authorities to be aware of.
- Students should leave the school premises during class hours without the permission of the principal
- Parents should not the class teacher without the permission of the principal
- Mobile phones are strictly forbidden in the school premises
- All must be present on the reopening day after long holidays
- Parents are earnestly requested to see that their children attend school regularly and punctually.
- Pupil must be on the school premises at least ten minutes before the warning bell for the assembly.
- A student who has been absent or late may be permitted to attend class With the Principal's permission only.
- No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from Parents or guardians and only for serious reasons.
- A student who absents himself / herself from school without the prior written permission of the Principal, except in serious unforeseen cases of sickness and emergency, shall be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per day
- If a student has to be absent on account of sudden illness, and if he / she is likely to be absent for more than two days, an application,seeking leave should be sent to the Principal, at the earliest.A medical certificate from the, doctor who attended to the student is a MUST for him / her to be allowed to resume classes
- Pupils who have been absent from classes for whatever reason, must have it entered in the ABSENCE RECORD provided in the School Diary and signed by their parent / guardian
- a student's name will be struck off the wall, if he / she remains absent for two weeks without permission for leave of absence
- student whose name has been struck off the rolls may be re-enrolled on application by the guardian with a heavy fine Such a privilege cannot be claimed as a matter of right
- Birthdays, festivities at home, arrival of guests etc. are not sufficient reasons for absence. Reasons such as "private Work, "Gone Out", Out of Station" are also unacceptable for leave of absence.
- If a students has to attend an important family function, the parents should meet the Principalpersonally and get the nessary pennission.