- Admission of a child to JOSEPH'S implies on the part of the pupil and Particularly on PARENTS, willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school
- Parents are eamestty requested to see that their children attend school punctually. They are expected to coperate with the school by ensuring regularity and discipline and by taking general interest in their children's progress. They should check the school diary regularly and note the teacher's remarks.
- Parents/guardians are not pennitted to meet their children, or interview teachers during school hours.
- No parents, servants, rickshaw-pullers or friends are permitted to walk about the school premises or enter class rooms.
- It is expected of the parents to participate in the growth and development of the school so as to attain total harmony between school and home.
- Parents are asked to ensure that their children do not go out of station during class days and that they return to school promptly when the school reopens after long holidays
- Parents / guardians are requested to make proper arrangements to receive their children immediately after school hours.Though proper care will be taken to ensure the safety of the children,the school cannot be held responsible if the student leaves the school campus on his/her own.
- Parents are expected to attend the meeting and other functions when invited to.
- Parents / gurdians should understand that the school authorities have the right to say what conditions they admit or retain puplis in the institution.
- The good example of parents is of vital importance to the growth of the children.The school will be able to do very little for students whose parents give bad examples or each someting coutrary to what is taught the school
- Parents should pay the extra attention to the neatness and cleanliness of their children's text books, exercise books and personal appearances
- Any communication (request, complaint, suggestion) made by the parents should be addressed to the principal prefarable in writing