- New admissions are taken to L.K.G.The age of the children at the time of admission to L.K.G, should be four year. Children are interviewed and tested by school authorities.
- Admission to classes other than L.K.G. depends on vacancies and the merit of the candidate in the admission test and not on the basis of marks obtained elsewhere
- No candidate shall be permitted to take the admission test unless he/she registers his/her name with the School in the prescribed form.
- A birth certificate must be submitted along With the
admission form.
- Parents are interviewed for their understanding of the type of education offered and the ability to cope with it.
- Promotion depends on the student's performance through out the year and not merely on marks secured in the final examination. The results obtained in the Monthly Tests and in the Terminal Examinations will be taken into con sideration for promotion.
- If student fails to get promoted twice in the same c1ass,
he/she will be required to leave the school.
- To pass in a subject, students should secure 40% of the maximum marks
- The decision of the school authorises regarding promotion is final an binding on all concerned.
- A student who fails in three subjects will be considered failed.
- Notice is to be given a month before withdrawing a student from the school.
- Transfer certificate will be issued when all dues have paid in full, and on receipt of written application from the parents / guardians, mentioning therein the admission number of the pupil.
- The Principal has the right to suspend or require the withdrawal of any pupil, without having to state the reason, provided he is satisfied that such step is necessary in the interest of the school.
The school provides conveyance facility to its students by running school buses. Particular stoppages and timings have been fixed for the smooth running of the bus & for the convenience of students, It is expected them at their respective stoppage in time and to co-operate With the school Management.
Children who are usually received by their Parents at stoppages, will be brought back to school, if parents are not found there.
Bus fees are changed for 11 months, month of June is free They are to be paid along with the tuition fees of the month
- The school fees cover 12 calendar is made for absence or holidays.All fees, including Admission, Tution & Annual Charges are non-refundable.Fees must be paid before the 15th of every month at the counter on the school campus
- Failure to deposit fees before the stipulated date renders a student liable to a fine of Rs. 50/- per every additional day of delay till the end of the month. There after, the school reserves the right to send the defaulter home or keep him/ her from attending classes without prior notice. Late fine may be condoned only if an application stating the date of payment of fees (it should not exceed the end of the month) has been submitted to the office before the expiry of the 'last date for payment of fees without fine' as mentioned in the dairy.
- Fees for the months of vacation must be paid prior to the holidays.
- All dues must be cleared before each terminal examination, failing which the student may be barred from sitting the examination.
- Each student is provided with a fee book which must be produced, duly filled-in, at the time of payment of fees.In loss of the book, a duplicate one will be issued against payment of Rs. 30/-
- Pupils are liable to payment of fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Pupils failing to pay fees for three consecutive months without written infonnation will have their names struck off the rolls.
- NO transfer certificate will be issued until all school dues are cleared
- Parents are expected to keep the reciepts issued to them safe , as proof of payment if needed.